I expected two games based on flagrant nature of the head job. Figured he would get on back in appeal.
You sure about that? Cody Wallace delivered an intentional helmet to helmet LATE hit later last night and he is just getting fined. And Wallace launched himself like a rocket, not to mention he is a damn lineman, not a skinny wide receiver. Happens all the time.
That was also a pretty dirty hit, but Wallace hadn't spent the entire game getting the refs attention.
Yeah I still don't a difference. A dirty hit is a dirty hit regardless of what else happens, sure the nature of the hit is important, but all the other stuff shouldn't account into it, that is unprecedented. He acted an ass during the game, and delivered a dirty hit. I'm tired of Roger Goodell handing out unprecedented action every chance he gets. There is no precedent for a suspension because of a helmet to helmet hit, intentional or not, at least I don't think and if there is its not for 1 hit the first one from a guy. Pac Man Jones took off Amari Cooper's helmet and bashed it against his skull and didn't get suspended. Cody Wallace, dirty ass late hit. If it was written somewhere that a dirty intentional helmet to helmet hit or acting an ass gets you 1 game, fine. But it doesn't say that anywhere. The precendent is a fine, and if it keeps happening then another, then a suspension maybe. Write a rule book for discipline, but until then quit making shit up as you go. How long did it take before Suh got suspended? 5 times maybe more? Beckham gets 1? Doesn't make sense.
Goodell's handling of the Pac Man issue was pathetic, easily the dirtiest thing I've ever seen on a field. His handling of these incidents in general seems to be that what one guy does is cumulative for everyone. Suh got 5 warnings? No, everyone got 5 warnings. I think there's something to be said for that, but your point about his discipline being uneven is a good one.
Is OBJ on the down-low? Despite Cajunlostincali living in Cali, I fully expect that he doesn't know what this means.
What Odell did was absolutely a dirty and blatant cheap shot worthy of suspension. With that said, you do realize the Panthers and especially Norman aren't known for being choir boys, right? Norman's a dirty player by his own admission before this game. And the baseball bat thing? For you Saints fans out there -- Roman Harper brought that from the 2009 Saints Super Bowl run to Carolina. Harper, Malcolm Jenkins and crew were known for dirty plays. It drove me nuts when they were Saints. The role of the officials is to recognize the situation, have awareness of what is going on, and limit any potential issues.. Did. Not. Happen. Odell deserves the suspension, but Josh Norman's persona as if he was a victim is absurdity.