He better watch out, with the way things are going in the NFL nowadays he may find his ass in anger management classes.
OJB was embarrassing yesterday. But I blame Coughlin. That old bag never ever thinks his team deserves a penalty. Should have pulled OJB to let him cool down. Emotions run high in any NFL game with playoff implications. In typical fashion, grandpa C doesn't even understand the rudimentary basics of coaching. He should not be trusted with a 5 grade girls soccer team. Glad the Cowboys get to play him twice a year.
The corner is nowhere near as culpable, he did not launch. He certainly is not in the clear, but... But the ratings point you raise is pretty good one, and scary. There has got to be some reason the refs did not intervene. I guess money is a pretty good one.
NFL Live crew says the Giants are complimenting Beck today for "taking the high road" in his post game comments, while Norman "was being a crybaby." Really! Norman didn't take a deliberate head shot at OBJ, who has also been quoted as saying he was feeling threatened before the game because some of the Panthers carried baseball bats onto the field during player intros, and some of them pointed their bats at him. Beckham is just not looking good at all today.
I just want to see OBJ learn from this and grow as a player and, more importantly as a man. Got to keep your cool and not hurt your team. Play physical AND smart. btw, Coughlin was nothing but an enabler yesterday.
I dont, he clearly needs to grow up. I've seen him do this in at least one other game this year. Can't play that way Dropped $60 on a jersey for Hayden because he idolize him, now I regret it
Disagree, he took a blind-side, flying shot at his head and solidly connected. In the current NFL climate where head-to-head is the most verboten thing you can do, it was about as easy a call as they'll ever make.