Always happy to help out, amigo. War and Peace By Leo Tolstoy History controls everything we do, so there is no point in observing individual actions. Let us observe the individual actions of over 500 characters at great length. The end.
What about the part where 30 million comrades are added to the health insurance rolls with out any new doctors, hospitals, nurses, etc.? How did that end?
That really doesn't matter because they don't have any money to pay deductible or co-insurance anyway. The INS companies are just getting free premium dollars thanks to the Fed. Govt.
Well, it kinda does matter since having insurance doesn't mean anything if you can't see a doctor or get treatment. Again, let me remind you that insurance companies are not charitable organizations. If the price of rubber goes up, do you think the cost of tires will drop?
wasnt sure where to put this or if it had been posted. but speaking of arrogance, how in gods name did that bitch pelosi just get elected minority leader? did the dems learn nothing?
You have to hit some people over the head with a hammer. They'll get the 2nd installment of this lesson from the people in 2 years.
Having free insurance from the govt is fine and dandy but if you can't afford the deductible or copay or whatever to see the doctor it won't matter how many there are. But the insurance company still gets paid from the govt.
Without deductibles and co-pays people would run to the doctor or ER for every perceived little problem. They are there for a reason. Insurance wasn't invented yesterday. Just like collision coverage. Without deductibles, everybody would run to the body shop every time their door got dinged in a parking lot.
Her job as majority and minority leader is to herd democrats into party votes, not to win a popularity contest. I mean, who really cares about house leaders? Who can name the House leaders before the current ones? They simply aren't relevant to the average voter. They are relevant to their parties and Pelosi got the votes in for the democrats.