Please tell me you don't think that an employer would only pay around $2k/yr to provide health insurance to an average employee?
Why is it an employers responsibility to provide healthcare for their workers? Why does the government need to get involved and reduce the negotiating power of both parties? I have both had employer sponsored healthcare and individual policies. When I moved from a job with coverage to the one without I used that to leverage more money. Why do other jerks need the government to take their side?
Do you have a Bill O'Reilly filter installed in your browser? I only ask because you're arguing against points that no one else is currently making. I thought what I was saying was pretty clear, and I'm really not sure that I can dumb it down any further.
No point in arguing personal opinions it seems. No one will be swayed. He thinks an employer should offer X, you think it's their choice. It is a snapshot of the two sides in this country. Provide me X Choose to offer X Circles.
Look friend, I asked too simple questions. Here they are again? 1) Why are employer's responsible for their employee's healthcare? 2) Why should the government pick sides in employee/employer negotiations? I can see why you don't want to answer.
Forcing employers to provide certain benefits reduces negotiating power on both ends. Do you reject this assertion? If you do you are wrong. This type of regulation retards the compensation market.