Obama met highly qualified out of work teacher Robert Baroz He wasn’t out of work and Obama never met him.
http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG...344360478/**http://obamalies.net/list-of-lies yep another right wing blog,yeah right chief.
I'm wasting my time trying to debate Rush Limbaugh dimwits. You don't know facts from frauds, you have no concept of proper citation and credibility of sources, you believe absolutely anything that fits your biases.
If you read the text in the hyperlink, he actually did a yahoo search for 'Obama lies' to come up with that amazingly credible source. I bet you that source wins the Peabody Award of Excellence in the near future. Say pal, I just did a google search for George W. Bush is gay. There is a website (that I won't click on). So....that does it. George W. Bush is gay!!!! Who knew??!!!! Here you go lsufan52 : http://www.georgewbushisgay.com/