I will take Romneys business sense over obamas organizer credentials anyday. I also believe the military could be scaled back some. I was on a sub in the 80's and we could pretty much cover any threat across the Atlantic they could have come up. nothing says STFU like a couple of Tomahawks.
Obama has both senatorial and Presidential credentials now, amigo. He's taken Al Qaeda to the woodshed, stopped the waste in Iraq, is ending the endless war in Afghanistan, has brought the economy out of recession, etc., etc. All that 2008 campaign rhetoric is dust in the wind in 2012.
senatorial? more like campaigning on taxpayer dime." Present" votes, no budget, and just following bush's war plans. as far as the economy is concerned, his policies slowed the recovery.
http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG...mic-recovery-worst-since-great-depression.htm Obamanomics? O shit
Fact--Obama has been a US Senator and President of the United States of America. Romney has never held national office. Total nonsense. The Bush War Plan was "Stay The Course", that's a quote. Obama's War plan has been to finish the unnecessary Iraq War, draw down the unwinnable Aghan War, and step up the War on Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Yemen, and Sudan. Prove it. The numbers say differently.
depends on the numbers you wanna believe I reckon. If Republicans had ran a obama like candidate democrats would have laughed him off stage. Romney has the experience of being a governor and a successful businessman. Obama had neither and enjoyed being projected to office by being promoted like a rockstar by the media.
"Employment: By this point, the average job growth in the past 10 recoveries was 6.9%. Under Obama, jobs have grown by just 1.9%, according to data from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve. GDP growth: The Obama recovery has also performed far worse than average when it comes to GDP growth. After 11 quarters, the economy is still only 6.8% bigger than it was when the recession ended. In contrast, GDP was 16% bigger, on average, by this point in the previous 10 recoveries, the Minneapolis Fed data show. The current recovery is so slow, in fact, that it just barely beats GDP growth 11 quarters after the 1980 recession ended — even though there was the intervening long and painful 1981-82 recession. And unless GDP shoots up in Q2, the current recovery will soon be the absolute worst since the Great Depression. Had the Obama recovery tracked the average GDP growth in the 10 previous recoveries, the economy would be almost $1.2 trillion bigger today. Incomes: By the third year of the past five recoveries, real median household incomes climbed an average 2.8%, according to the Census Bureau, which only has household income data back to 1967. But in the current recovery, real household incomes dropped 5.4% during the recovery, according to Sentier Research, which compiles a monthly household income index using Census data. Deficits: The current recovery also doesn't stack up well when it comes to annual federal deficits. By this point in previous recoveries, deficits were running an average 2.2% of GDP. This year, they're expected to be 7.6%, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Here's another way to look at it: If the deficit-to-GDP ratio matched the average of the previous recoveries, it would be around $341 billion, instead of $1.2 trillion. National debt: Although Obama claims that he's cleaning up after the "wild debts" Republicans ran up, the national debt has climbed much faster during Obama's economic recovery than the typical recovery in the past. On average, federal debt climbed 9.5% in the first three years of those recoveries, after adjusting for inflation. Under Obama, debt has climbed $4 trillion since the recovery started, a 28% increase in real terms. Obama routinely blames the deep recession. The problem is that, historically, the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery has been." http://news.investors.com/article/6...a-recovery-much-worse-than-average.htm?p=full
OMG Red, it looks like you're taking a beating here. Well, I'm not going to beat up on you but I think Obama is an idiot and he is a DINO - BUT I do like the portion of Obamacare that allows me to cover my kids until they are 26. To the Romney backers, I'm glad that you are supporting Fox News' candidate. So now we can have another president elected by the national media outlets CNN and FOX. As for Romney being a businessman, I hardly think that a venture capitalist qualifies him as a businessman. It is more like a vulture hovering over US90 in West Texas. Look up some of the things that Jon Stewart has done concerning Romney. His opinion last year and his opinions now. Eggo should be his middle name for all the waffling he does. I'm proud to say I work for a healthy profitable manufacturing company in Texas and we survived Obama's moratorium on gulf drilling which surprises me that anyone in Louisiana could be supporting the guy. If it wasn't all the overseas business that we had we never could have done it. He tried to bankrupt the Gulf Coast y'all. So to sum it up you have a bastard president who tried to kill Louisiana and a moron Republican who runs a vulture capital company. What a sorry state for U.S. politics and the dumbed down electorate.
a sad truth of US politics ed.. politicians have gotten to the point that it's not about whats right for America, it's more about power and what they can get do to profit themselves.