Says who, you? Evidence? Obama clearly does not think like Clinton so what does that say about the Dems?
What do you think has actually changed from Bush to Romney. All I hear are the same talking points . . . support tax cuts for the rich, oppose environmental regulations, oppose campaign finance reform, support trickle-down economics, oppose health care reform, support increasing the defense budget, support torture of prisoners, etc., etc, etc.
Hmm so many points... Well, Romney has a far better business mindset, knows how businesses operate and what policies can help them and give them assurance for the future. Talking points, you must be talking about the Obama speeches. What is his plan again? I do support tax cuts for everyone, the Bush cuts weren't only for the rich. I do oppose the EPA and its liberal approach. I do support health care reform, but I DO oppose Obamas "sign before read" method. Defense is very important and gives you the luxury to be a dirty liberal here on this forum. Its not torture, no one got hurt nor did they suffer PHYSICAL harm... etc, etc, etc
How do you know Romney is a better businessmna than Bush? Obama has spelled his plan out time after time again but I've yet to hear Romney say anything other than the same old recording that has been playing from the Republican drivel machine for the past 12 years or so. You support tax cuts when we have a 16 trillion dollar debt? I support making cuts to the budget but tax cuts at this juncture is just plain stupidity. Haven't you learned your lesson about tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts? This is how we got into the mess to begin with you ding-a-ling. Why don't you support health reform? It's 18 percent of our economy. How can we fix the economy if we only address 82% of it? You have no idea what you are talking about regarding defense spending cuts nor do you have a very good grasp of the military tactics that have been working for the past 4-5 years: special forces and drone attacks. We do not need a huge army any more....we have nucleur weopons. It's never torture until someone does it to you.
Then why don't you go tell all those generals who oppose defense cuts they don't know what they are doing? Nukes mean nothing unless you aren't afraid to use them.
and those generals don't have an agenda or is not for the generals to decide. i am former military and i am for having a strong national defense but our power is also getting smarter and more precise. i am just not convinced that we need a large standing army any more.
I don't think he is going to win either. I think there are tons of people like me who feel that this President, and the democrats have abandoned us. There is a guy running named Gary Johnson, and I think he will be the reason that Obama loses. Other than the fact that elections are rigged.