Wow. You people really need to get off Obama's nuts. Phucking people act like he's some kind of savior when he's just a bigot.
lol. Thanks. It certainly would be an improvement over the Tea Party governor icon South Carolina already has. Partisan "love/hate" bickering and relationships aside, I recognize the intense responsibility incumbent upon a Commander-in-Chief in such an instance and can only imagine the mentally anguishing process required of any President in the decision making process of putting American lives in harm's way. I merely reiterated it. That being said, though new and with limited experience on this site, thus far, I am impressed with the apparent ability of its participants to debate this and similar issues on each issue's own merits without said debate degenerating into an incoherent "flame war" free for all. I can only suppose that we, as SEC fans, are saving the good **** for this fall. Geaux Cocks!:yelwink2:
He first told the white race to go phuck themselves when he stated that he didn't consider himself white...even though he's half white. He just told the Jewish people to go phuck themselves, and also with his latest fiasco, he essentially told the entire muslim world that "you have my support" against Israel, our biggest Middle Eastern ally, even though we're not supposed to be negotiating with terrorists. Is this not what he's doing through the press? He sees all of these uprisings in the Middle East and in Northern Africa, he's trying to seize the moment. As I said, bigot.
As a Caucasian, I don't have a problem with his statement regarding his "whiteness" or relative lack thereof. Nor do I think he threw the Jewish people under the bus either. While I'm sure they are none too pleased with Obama's announcement, I perceive his words as his version(every President has their own) of the Middle Eastern hot potato issue of whether or not to have a separate Palestinian state. I spent time in the Middle East in the first Gulf War and I found individual followers of Islam to be very kind and friendly, particularly when my father passed away while I was there. I do, however, feel the religion of Islam itself, while being generally peaceful in nature, tends to stunt its follower's personal growth(insert "suicide bomber/Road to Martyrdom" comments Islam has been hijacked over the decades by those followers who are more radical and militant in nature. As Winston Churchill said WAAAAY back in 1899, "Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion(Islam) paralyzes the social development of those who follow it." And let's not forget that the Israelis aren't blameless, either. They spy on the United States, too. It's not like we went to kindergarten together. In politics, there are no best friends, only best interests. As for your observation that President Obama is "seizing the moment", would you prefer he stand back and ignore it? The guy can't win...he's either too involved or not involved enough. At least he's trying...which is more than I can say about a few previous occupants of the White House.
Obama should be a diplomat on this issue, not taking the side of the Palestinians. I guess he feels a kinship with Yassar Arafat.