You gotta love this coach ... Any penalty Saturday gets rewarded x 100 next Monday ... Example: You want to be a gangsta and make a personal foul ... You'll get 15 yards and you get to run 1500 in the sunshine in pads on Monday ... F-ing brilliant
And the players will end up hating him for it. I know that made me hate my baseball coach in high school. Of course, O doesn't seem like the cocksucker my HS coach was.
I suppose there is some truth to that, but penalties is a discipline issue and no better way to control discipline than to remove the reward for committing them in the first place. If you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences. That's what I tell my kid anyways.
That's true, I guess delivery of said punishment helps as well too. My coach would slam a bat into poles, curse us out, call us names he was just a fucking asshole and we hated him and then he would make us run snakes. If you go in and say I'm sorry buddy but rules are rules, and I hope you learn a valuable lesson, it may be taken a bit better. He called us whale shit on the bottom of the ocean once. President and I was Vice President of the fuck up club, fucking pieces of shit, I mean it was brutal for a teenager. But then again maybe that's why I really don't give a shit what anyone calls me now. Maybe he did me a favor.
Sometimes a man's life depends on a mere scrap of information... Let's just say a little bird told someone !!! PENALTY PREDICTIONS FOR SATURDAY I STILL BELIEVE WE DO 5 ...
Sounds like your coach was Just a prick. My guess is y'all didn't hate him because he made y'all run.