Congrats to this kid....he has worked his ass off all spring, summer and fall and he deserves it. I think Les wanting to keep the pressure on Harris is cool and all, but come next week, when we start game planning for week 1, back off and let the kid play naturally. We as LSU fans have seen first hand what it does to a young QB when he is constantly looking over his shoulder, scared of taking chances because he is scared of making mistakes. Miles has picked our starter/leader (Harris) and now its time to have his back. Support him, through thick and thin and let him flourish. Lastly, since he is our guy, he needs 99% of the reps. Jennings, grab a damn clipboard and head set. Your time has come and gone. Geaux Tigers!
Well I have been wrong before. However, look at last year. Harris didn't see anything significant after the AU game, Les put it on Jennings for better or worse. I think this year it will be the same unless the AU Harris comes back.