Nov. 11, 2008: LSU student newpaper trashes Tiger fans

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by JohnLSU, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. TexTiger

    TexTiger Founding Member

    Jun 3, 2003
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    No more Tiger dick for these wh0res
    1 person likes this.
  2. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    I call Shen's. Reveille = Hella Cool :bncry:
  3. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Nov 24, 2003
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    It seems we are all in agreeance that this is bs so i suggest this for those jackkholes at the sh!trag.

    Whereever you tailgate this weekend find a paper stand, grab up all the papers, walk back to your tailgating spot, and then make a video response to the them by placing the stacks of paper in your BBQ pit!
  4. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    ha. They won't even post my reply. All i did was request for proof of the spitting and groping. THere was nothing in the post that could remotely be considered inflamatory or against their posting policies.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    i saw no agressiveness at all in that video. Actually for a bunch of people who were apparantly inebriated, the mood was quite calm. Seems like some stupid bitches that create false media for personal gain. When are republicans going to learn that creating false stories to villify an opponent......

    ooooops, wrong meeting, im thinking of the one tomorrow by the docks;)
  6. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

    Oct 31, 2005
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    I didnt' experience anything like that. My fiance and I had a great time before the game. During the game, there were a few douchebags but again, you can find those in every stadium in America on Saturdays...
  7. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Check this out:

    The Alabama student newspaper, the Crimson White, published a Nov. 12, 2008 article talking about how LSU fans were "extremely polite and welcoming." --

    Full text:

    The unknown hospitality of Baton Rouge

    Matt Nelson
    Print this article Share this article

    Published: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
    Updated: Wednesday, November 12, 2008

    “Loud,” “obnoxious” and “shmammered” are the three words I would have normally used to describe the average LSU fan before last weekend. Because of past experiences of rude and crude Tiger fans on our campus over the years, I had a preconceived notion that when I stepped out of the car in Baton Rouge, I would be slammed with a constant barrage of insults and heckling. I have only ever had bad experiences when it came to LSU fans.

    However, Saturday was one of the most enjoyable game days I’ve ever experienced. Not only was everyone who was dressed in purple and gold extremely polite and welcoming, I didn’t even hear “TIGER BAIT” yelled until a half-hour before kickoff. No drinks, trash or balloons of urine were thrown at me, and no curse words were shouted in my ear, despite wearing full Bama gear. After our close victory, I was congratulated by a number of people.

    In the stadium, I sat in the very top row of the upper deck, and in my seat, I was on the edge of a small corner of Tide fans beside a gigantic mass of Tiger fans. I thought surely I would be given a hard time being in such close proximity to these people. However, throughout the game, the only loud, obnoxious, and “shmammered” people around were Alabama fans. The entire game, they screamed incredibly riotous obscenities and vulgar cheers toward the fans beside me. The LSU fans did not rebut or fight fire with fire, simply directed their cheers at us when LSU pulled out a good play. Two Alabama fans without the abilities of self-control went so far as to have security called on them.

    This was exceptionally embarrassing for me. I apologized for my fellow Tide fans and tried to explain that we aren’t all loud, drunk, bumbling idiots. They understood, but said it was people like that that make the other schools in the SEC hate us, just as it is vice versa.

    If we are to spout any crap about “class” and “tradition” we are going to have to look up the definitions again. What LSU fans in my section experienced from the Alabama fans was neither. It was rude, classless and degrading. I understand that there are bad apples in every group that act like this. There are LSU, Georgia, Auburn and other fans that scream drunken vulgarities at every moving thing with opposing colors on. However, I implore the students of the University to act tastefully and respectfully toward opposing fans.
    Especially when visiting another school, we should be the best ambassadors of our “class” and “tradition” as we can. Remind them why we’re No. 1 in the nation. I’m not saying to abstain from playful teasing and sportsmanlike banter; far from it. Just don’t act like you grew up in Auburn.

    Matt Nelson is a sophomore majoring in photojournalism.
  8. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Ya know. I worked in student publication at Nicholls State and I thought that it would be good experience since I want to be a reporter (I don't like the term "journalist.") Wrong. Instead of students compiling articles for the love of reporting news, it seems like everyone had an axe to grind or some kind of agenda to push. Instead of doing what students should be doing, they were replicating what major media corporations were doing. One year of that was enough for me. I effectively learned what NOT to do.

    I always thought it was strange how some of my mass communication professors always bashed the school paper, until I worked for it. I'm not picking on student publications, because they are simply that: student run papers. I also thought it strange how most of the people working for student publications weren't even communication majors.
  9. TigerFanNTenn

    TigerFanNTenn Founding Member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    I went to the Auburn game last year with my husband, uncle and cousins (who are 11 and 9). My cousins were hollering "You suck!" and such at Auburn fans and I quickly told them to "Shut up. There's no need to scream at people. You can 'Tiger Bait' them, but don't be rude." I just don't understand how people could do that. I didn't see any other fans being rude to people while I was at that game. Just friendly competition.
  10. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    Or, go to your throne and video using them to wipe your azz.

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