Nov. 11, 2008: LSU student newpaper trashes Tiger fans

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by JohnLSU, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Andouille

    Andouille Guest

    Like most media outlets these days it's obvious the youngsters a the Reveille are concerned about sensationalism and appearing "contrarian" than they are the truth. The truth is usually boring. They think they're being "Independent" by going after their own.
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  2. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    My in-laws (all Bama fans) were tailgaiting Saturday and didn't have any problems like this. My sister-in-law did say one fan told her and my 7 year old niece to "go to hell," but that was it. She wasn't too pleased that the guy directed it at the little girl but said they had a blast overall.

    They'd already prepped my niece for the "Tiger bait!" to yell back "Roooooooll Tide!"
  3. Tigerbnd05

    Tigerbnd05 National Champs 2003 2007

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Isn't that child abuse to make a kid say that?:grin:
  4. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Child abuse is when her Dad taught her "Geaux Tigers!" was a bad word. :nope: She use to run around during the game with her hands above her head yelling, "Touchdown AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAABAMA!"
  5. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Tailgated with bammers all day before and after the game, as did every tailgate within 50 yards. Never saw anything even remotely negative. Shuttle buses got tigerbaited and that was it. Heck I even gave a pair of binoculars to a bama fan when I found out he was in the upper deck. Didn't know his name and had just met him 5 minutes before. After the game, he returned them with a big thanks. Everything I have read online is more in line with my story than with the claims of those "reporters".
  6. Tigerbnd05

    Tigerbnd05 National Champs 2003 2007

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Someone from social services should go make a visit... I know standards in Alabama are a bit lax but geeze, thats just too far.:hihi:
  7. downtown

    downtown Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Okay, I watched the video and thought it was mostly just funny stuff. Of course these reporters are gonna say some slanted stuff about LSU fans. Otherwise, these morons dressed up in Alabama clothes for a whole day for no good reason.

    What do you expect is gonna happen when you put on Bama clothes for Nick Saban's return and interview LSU people with a freakin' camera pointed at them? Everybody knows they were looking for a response. Did they think they were gonna get logical analysis from people who have been eating Zapp's Crawtators and drinking beer since 8 a.m.? This is so stupid. Oh, and great questions too: How do you feel about Nick Saban "probably" beating LSU today? Hell, I feel that I act very reasonably out there, but I probably would have stuck my azz cheeks in her camera had she asked me that on Saturday. She got a very tame response as far as I could see. She was trying to inspire something worse.

    Tell me this: Why couldn't they fit more of the horrible stuff in their video? They know how to edit right? If you've got all the least back up the things in your story. Where is the constant spitting? Where's all the constant c*nt talk? Where's all the groping and squeezing? Where's the Clap cheers? I will say that I've heard that one a few times, but it's one of the dorkiest cheers out there. The Clap? Really? That's what you gonna go with? I thought they stopped using the Clap terminology like in the 60s. I wasn't around then, but it seems that way. The only out of line thing I saw was the two dudes acting like they were taking their stuff out or whatever. The mooning was a bit over the top as well, but I've seen that at other places without a camera (with Auburn being the moon capitol of the world).

    I think this video is pretty representative of most places I've seen. Most people are pretty fun and there is always a few that are scummy or go overboard.

    I totally disagree with The Reveille here because they try to state (as fact) that our fans are basically animals or something. The truth is that there is always gonna be a small element of scum out there. But it's not at all representative of the whole fan base. For them to try and say otherwise is really pathetic.

    Maybe I'll dress up like some dumb b*tch and film these girls at a sorority party or something when they're drinking and see what they come out with. Disclaimer: I'm not saying that all girls that are in sororities are dumb b*tches. I'm just saying that if I wanted to sneak into one of their parties, it would probably be the best way to go...

    You know what, who cares? Let visiting fans believe this if they want. With any luck they won't buy tickets and that will mean more for the barbaric LSU fans.

    I wrote a column for The Reveille a few years back when it was good. Right before that sex column came along and the staff was good. Now they're just trying to get a rise out of people. Good job ya c*nts.
    I'm kidding...I'm kidding.
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  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    If you come to LSU looking for trouble you can find it, if you come looking for a good time, you can find a hell of a lot of it. Real BamaFans came looking for a good time and found one. There is a long thread on the Bama board about how much they were impressed by the LSU fans.

    These two posers went around looking for trouble and found some. Did they go around the established LSU talgating fans, No. They went among the rowdiest students. How many great LSU fans did they shoot and decide not to publish? We'll never know--that isn't a story. But these student journalists basically manufactured one. Take it for what its worth.
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  9. QBLuke

    QBLuke Hickey Da God

    Jun 30, 2003
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    The Reveille is crap, they push agenda-laden crap through their pages everyday.

    She went into that day hoping to get some dirt to write about.....If you want trouble you can find it at an LSU tailgate but I guarantee you 90% of Bama fans had a great time and were treated with warmth and hospitality.

  10. ScottforJC

    ScottforJC It's never over until God says its over-Sid Ortis

    Nov 22, 2007
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    What would you typically expect from the media -- the truth? As a previous poster said, there is usually an agenda -- like electing a certain senator as President maybe? So, what's the agenda behind this steaming pile of stuff labeled journalism?


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