I read one link that quoted the CEO of Wonderlic, Inc saying that 10 is the literacry line for the test. Anything lower and that person is illiterate.
And 16 is avereage. A 50 question test and 16 is average. THe test supposedly does not measure book smarts or common sense. It is designed to measure a persons ability to handle the pressures they will be under, but part of that is an ability to absorb playbooks. SO I guess it does both. Who knows. How they do this with test questions is beyond me. I think you have to take the scores with a grain of salt, and rely on the interviews to make those types of decisions.
50 Assume both of these are true: This test measures intelligence under pressure. This test is ridiculously easy. BuickMakane is brilliant, especially under fire. A. True B. Accurate C. No Doubt
What makes you say that? You think Wonderlic is trying to trick people? Out of all the people that have taken the tests, none of them have said that the sample questions are any different than what is actually on the test. If the released sample questions were any different than the actual test, you know ESPN and CNNSI would have been all over that. taken from Wonderlic's site discussing the new release of the test in 2007. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2007/01/prweb497013.htm Here is a "tougher" question (found it on ESPN.com) A rectangular bin, completely filled, holds 640 cubic feet of grain. If the bin is 8 feet wide and 10 feet long, how deep is it?