I've said before, though you weren't here,..I grew disgusted, almost entirely stopped watching news, and ignored politics throughout Obama's reign,.. Trump's presence actually drew me back into the political madhouse. I don't think I'm hypocritical, I'm just ignorant of Obama's and Hillary's involvement in the stuff the left haters allege. I don't think the democrats are better than the republicans, I think both party's are equally despicable,.. opposite ends of the same rotten stick. If evidence emerges that Obama or Hillary played dirty,.. then hang em by their heels, that's ok by me. I'm not interested in looking back at them though, they're politically dead and buried, of no consequence anymore. I'm going to focus on the piece of shit that's living in the White House now.
And you think she isn't? I'm not saying she ever pulled the trigger herself but just look at all the strange deaths of people associated with the Clintons and especially those who were in a position to do them harm.
No,.. I do not think so, if there was proof, her political opponents and FOX news would be all over it,.. but only the lunatic fringe talk about it,.. no offense
You want proof? Try resurrecting a few of their victims. They could tell you a lot. There is an old saying: Three can keep a secret it two are dead.
Monica Lewinsky was a willing adult who to this day says she was never violated, you creepazoid. The rape allegation was also pure bullshit, contradicted by Broaddrick's own words and actions. Hillary didn't cover for anything because there was nothing to cover for. We see over and over and over again how you're willing to continue your Fox lies when the fact check sites say they and you are full of shit.