He has no home for 2007. Giants will be his only option, at a greatly reduced rate (maybe $10 mil). My how times have changed. This, all because of a silly needle.
Oh, sorry, I thought this was a thread on financial advice. For the record, I prefer stocks to bonds unless its Bond, James Bond.
Probably so, but not as much as hush money to ex-trainers willing to rot in jail for 1-1/2 years so you can keep your image and chase for the home run record. Imagine your children wanting to emulate such a cretin.
Crap. Another Bay Area summer with that @ssh*le on my TV and having to listen to all the blather from Giant fan. No way the Midgets make a WS run, so BB might catch Aaron but he'll NEVER win a WS. I hope Greg Anderson's got a good TV in the slam. :angryfire