At least not as well as we should. We have the best running back in college football, obviously, but he has to be even better than a man of similar talents would have to be. It's because of what I call our "traffic jam" running game... pour a bunch of men into the trenches and hope for a breakout from the pack. At least we didn't run any of those stupid toss dives, but we still telegraph our point of attack with the fullback, who himself, more often than not, takes up space in the running lane. It's just simple physics, actually.... let's imagine one-on-one football for a moment.... how many of those confrontations would Fournette win? Ill answer: almost every one of them. The point of this mental exercise is that speed should be isolated, not confined.... and speed with power would be even deadlier. Modern football, with skilled athletes all over the field, demands SPREADS, not traffic jams. It demands deceptions, counters, traps, isolations, reverses. It demands something we're not getting. And, no, before you submit your bull, I have never coached a down of football.
And this is why watching LSU right now make me want a stiff drink. We are easily a NC team if we had a decent coaching staff. frustrating
I really cannot understand what thought processes run through the mind of Leslie Edwin Miles. Sure, lots of people are stubborn to a fault but if you bang your head against a wall 500 times and the wall is still there wouldn't a logical man change his approach? But then who else wears a windbreaker on the sidelines even when the temperature is over 100? It must have baked his brain.
Perfect example of the definition of insanity..."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein quotes from
no, but when i saw someone say something about banging their head against a wall over and over again i thought of this quote.