When I heard of this on the radio this morning they mentioned it. I wonder how much oil is in the leases opened up as opposed to the areas of Alaska that were shut off.
First of all this is the first I've heard of this. Second of all this is the first free minute I've had today. Tyler has therapy from 8 to 9 and then I have to get Cami off to school. I just got home from doing that and now I have to eat something since I haven't had time to do that this morning. Have to go to work in a little bit. Anyway it would be nice if I could agree with Obama but I will take a wait and see attitude. Usually there is a reason or a catch to this type of thing we will see. If you are going to drill, there is no reason why you can't do it throughout the country, the technology is there to do it in a environmentally friendly way. Create jobs that we really need and improve the economy. One more thing, After the stunt Obama and the Dems pulled off, unconstitutional, bribery, against the will of the people, it is hard from me to think anything positive about them or anyone who still supports them or their unethical practices. States given special deals while others aren't. Sorry, I'm not trying to change the subject but since my name was included here I gotta tell you my mindset right now. You could say that Yes, I am a hack now because of the actions of Obama and the Democrats on that Sunday and what is and isn't in the bill, most partison vote ever on that type of bill.
It is a necessary first step but as I understand it, this "opening up of the coastlines" is really just for surveys. In no way does this allow companies to start drilling. That will be another series of steps that are not outlined in Obama's reversal. So exploration is good and certainly needed but who is to say they will be allowed to drill? There could be too great of an "environmental impact" when the time comes. I don't get the impression he really wants the oil. Otherwise he wouldn't be shutting down loaded areas of Alaska. And his own admission that getting Republican support for cap and trade is a factor that has to shade this. A bill that he himself has said will skyrocket our energy costs. I just don't believe this guy is committed to making my life better. I think he is committed to letting the govt tell me how my life will be better. We actually pull some oil off those costs one day and I will be surprised. It actually makes a difference in my energy costs and I will be shocked.
"Mr. Obama said several times during his presidential campaign that he supported expanded offshore drilling. He noted in his State of the Union address in January that weaning the country from imported oil would require “tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.”" this doesnt sound like a flipflop