mum's the word on this also it seems. now, if it were democrats doing this, which i am sure there are somewhere, just haven't been caught yet, this board would be en fuego.
I like the idea of opening up the east coast and gulf for drilling, but I don't trust this administration. They have already proven that they will do what they want to do without regard for the will of the people. The have an agenda and every seemingly positive action will have an opposite negative effect.
can't the same be said about the other party though? There are people out there who support the bill, so why when someone uses the term "the people" they really just mean, "the people who agree with me" not taking a shot at you or anything, but i have been listening to this crazy talk radio station here, with rush, beck, and hannity, and some dude was filling in for beck last night, and started going off, and yelling at a point about how this administration does all this stuff that no one wants, and is destroying the constitution and blah blah blah, but its the same exact crap that the other party does.
The people voted the Democrats in but it's the 3 stooges who have rendered the GOP impotent. Man. I love a good Mastermind thread in the morning.:thumb:
he is fighting republicans that want to prevent offshore drilling near their states--AL, FL for example. and he is going against the left, again. MM, O could abolish all taxes and overturn roe v wade and still not get any credit from these guys. we really should just talk amongst ourselves.
Why not? That's what the Dems in Congress are doing. The Chosen One promised Bi-partisanship and transparency. Give me a break.