after spending many game days on campus over the years, i'm gonna have to give the cop the benefit of the doubt on this one. there is no telling what was going on to prior to the tigerbaiting that led to the confrontation. i would also imagine that "only 4 beers" translates into the reality of 8-12 beers, some jello shots, a margarita, and a bloody mary. oh wait, what am i thinking? drunk fans are never obnoxious and would never lie to the po-po about how much they've had to drink. sorry. just forget i said anything. :rolleye33:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Lots of luck stopping the Tiger Bait cheer...... could I suggest you see what you can do about "artificial noisemakers" (ie, those damn cowbells):angryfire You get the cowbells out of MSU, then try this.o: