Just to let everyone know, Buddy will be back on the radio, haven't got the start date, but when I do I'll post. Buddy will be on KKAY 1590 am...... From 1-3pm.
Been a while since I have been in baton rouge is condon really still on the air? He is the worst of the worst.
Does anyone know what happened to 1210 AM (The Score)? I travel to BR/Lafayette from MS Gulf Coast about once a month on business and typically rent a car for the trip, so there's no satellite radio. Anyway, I usually scan the dial and find an ESPN affiliate until I get close enough to the BR area, at which point, I like to listen to the local sports talk shows (Condon, Songy, Krysan) 1210 AM. However, I guess the format of that station has changed because all that they played today was gospel music and preaching. Does anyone know what station now broadcasts those local shows? I scanned the entire AM and FM band from Lafayette to Hammond, but couldn't find it. I did find a couple of ESPN affiliates, but at that point in the drive, I didn't want the national perspective.
Posted in the wrong thread earlier. Hanigriff is getting a show before Mascona on 104.5 and there are some rumors that Ott may be teaming up with him.
they all got shiit-canned 12:01 new years morning with a nice email. station went all gospel with piped in crap music and no local sports anymore. except for moscona on fm who kinda sucks because he sounds angry. I'll miss jordy as he wasnt so serious and I listened on the way to work in the mornings. songy sucked but it is LSU talk so im a sucker for that and would tune in on occasion. condon was in rehab and hadnt been on air in a couple months from what i was told. not sure if pain pills, alcohol or both. but he looked like a POW so its likely at least the former. and since 1300am is still down all they have is 104.5 for LSU sports and its not much. will be lots of streaming for people who listened I suppose. not sure I can stomach cowherd.