You racist fucks. That nigga is guilty and I hope he gets what he deserves. He looks like one of those cops who was a nobody in HS. Hang that honkie
I hope he walks just to watch the shit show that will ensue. I think he actually has a chance. I haven't watched any of the prosecution but I've heard that they didn't really do a very good job, in fact I saw an article last week that said they were sort of making the defense case for them. I have no way of knowing if that is true or not just what the article said. As usual, if you wait the details come out and you find maybe Chauvin isn't the monster they tried to make him out to be. I hope he beats it. I really do.
Man 9 minutes on a handcuffed guy’s neck says enough for me. Would be fun to watch if he walked tho. Can you say INSURRECTION Lol
Did you see him crawl out of the police car after they put him in there? Do we know if he was really on his neck? Do we know how much pressure was applied to his neck? Do we know if he was on his neck at all? Apparently the coroner said there wasn't any damage done to the neck, that can't be good for the DA 100% he started gulping down fentnyl because he knew his ass was about to go to jail AGAIN with a counterfeit charge on top of the dope. They could have just let him go and waited, he would have died in about the same amount of time.
If life was fair, he would. There has been ample reasonable doubt and the defense has just started. But I have 0 faith in that jury. If anything, they'll convict him because they know what'll happen to their community fi he walks.
that would definitely explain the 4x lethal limit of fentanyl in his system. Autopsy should have run a test on the concentration of fentanyl in his intestinal juices .... probably find a few partially dissolved pills. BTW ... Expert testified that Chauvin did NOT use excessive force, and there is no way what he did would have killed person.