yep. new years day or new years eve on a sunday sucks. if nyd falls on a sunday, that eff's up football. if nyeve falls on sunday, my favorite restaurant where we traditionally go for an early dinner is closed.
Fortunately for me, we get the following Monday off for holidays that fall on Sunday. That is a bummer for those that aren't though. :bncry:
Yes. I speak from experience. And in case you were wondering, I am not underpaid either. Don't buy into the hype.
I plan on being a teacher myself, and my cousin who is one was telling me just how much she makes (she works with under privileged kids near Los Angeles though) and its way more than I make in the computer industry right now, with better hours/vacations
Sometimes? when is it BAD to have a teachers schedule? 1 week off thanksgiving. 2 weeks off xmas/new years. 3 months off when it's hot.
Okay, the teacher's schedule is great...but...any time during the school year when I need to make an appointment or run an errand, that has to be done on my time, or I have to take time off. I also cannot just leave in the middle of the day and watch a performance at my daughters' school; I have to take off to do that. In that sense, it's a real pain.
It completely depends on where you are teaching. At my first teaching job in Louisiana (20 years ago), I made $13,000. The pay is really nice up here in North Texas--not even counting the inner city school districts, but the nicer ones in the suburbs.
Yes, but the cost of living in LA is so much higher; especially real estate. 1000 sq ft homes start at 500k. Maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but not by much. It's still ridiculous.