Death Valley is still it's old self in games like this one. 2007 Florida remember how bananas it was for that game? To be fair though I was at the 2014 Bama game and it wasn't anything like the 2007 Florida one.
Difference being they didn't announce a USC defeat at the one in 2014. lol But yeah, I was at the 07 Florida game. Poster here, OT, had Tebow's number and was passing it out- as were hundreds of others, apparently. That lil tele shake Tebow did with his hand, in front of our student section, was a no no.
I think since LSU has some sort of rivalry with everyone in the SEC is why we get some good crowds ( or at least we used to) in Death Valley. Some of the best atmospheres I have been in TS were AU, Bama, Florida, and OM. Earthquake game was probably most memorable with some Florida and Bama next in line. Bama after NCG was pretty intense until the last 20 seconds. The SC game that year was good too. I really don't know what's happening as of late with the crowds. I know one thing if Bama gets in again as a third runner up in the SEC, fans are going to burn down SEC HQ in Birmingham. I will never understand how you can be best n the country when you are not even best in your conference.
Don't bite, it's just bad peer pressure raising it's ugly head again. And you could do worse than emulate the defending, back to back, SEC champions.