Nice precedence being set...Super Bowl loser to get a rematch too?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerTap, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. TigerFan90

    TigerFan90 Too far away from home

    Dec 3, 2003
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    I'm not crying about anything, other than maybe the way some of you are coming at OTHER tiger fans. You could choose to ease up on the rhetoric a bit, but I get that that is not your style.

    What I find funny is that I suspect that a great many people here who are talking all tough about the rematch will cry the loudest about it after-the-fact if LSU doesn't win the rematch. :lol:
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Freshman

    Nov 27, 2011
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    I know that the BCS system is flawed and we should have playoffs like every other sport in the world but I think Bama already had their shot at the title and lost. Give some other one loss team a shot at the title
  3. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    Maybe Miles will send Saban a New Years card posing with both the Coaches and AP trophies with caption, How you like me now bitch?
  4. ok awesome

    ok awesome geaux

    Oct 20, 2002
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    I would be upset that we lost, but if it was to Bama, then it would do nothing but validate their inclusion in the game.

    Come on, we all know they are the #2 team. We all know it.
  5. Wildcard

    Wildcard Veteran Member

    Nov 2, 2011
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    You have a certain few here like lsutiga that aren't going to be happy unless Saban beats LSU, especially for the national championship.

    Check out any of his 45,681,000,000 posts and see he gets off by stirring the **** and being a prick.
  6. lsu_dane

    lsu_dane Founding Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Unless a crystal ball was hoist at the end of the game then you're wrong. The LSU - Bama game determined who went to the SEC Championship game. The fact that Bama's only loss was to the #1 team in overtime by 3 more than gives them enough argument to have a shot.

    If that game had went the other way, I wonder how many tiger fans would be saying LSU doesn't deserve another shot?

    I welcome the challenge because it will put to rest any argument gumps could make for this year.
  7. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    If not Bama then who? Is there a more deserving team? IMO no one else stepped up and made a stronger claim. It isn't Bama's fault that everyone else fell flat on their face. I'd rather see someone else too, but not someone less deserving to get a shot.
  8. boblinfoto

    boblinfoto Ohio LSU fan/artist

    Oct 25, 2008
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    If you compare the scores, LSU beat Auburn more convincingly than Alabama did. They won by 24 pts. LSU won by 35 points. Just because Bama beat Auburn does not entitle them to a rematch regardless of the fact Saban doesn't want to say or admit the name of the team that beat him and his team. Namely LSU!
  9. gynojunkie

    gynojunkie "Pooties R Us"

    Sep 5, 2010
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    After punishing Auburn, 'Bama proves it deserves shot at LSU - NCAA Football -

    5) Comment by spqr - Sunday, November 27, 2011
    Let's make a bet the polls will find a way to cheat Alabama out of a rematch with LSU.

    Oh! All this outpouring of concern and emotion over OneLossAlabama!

    The above quotes are nauseating to me: 'Bama deserves, and the polls could find a way to cheat 'Bama. Awwwwww!

    It's "The Emperor's New Clothes" all over again. It seems that most of the country doesn't want to believe that Bama actually lost to LSU on Nov. 05, 2011 in BDS, Tuscaloosa!. The pundits go on from there to also be unconcerned about the 'fairness' of LSU having to prep and perform in GA while Saban & Bama get fresh tape on LSU immediately before the BCSNCG--and are totally rested for the match! Fair? Balanced? Not at all!

    But it IS 'Bama, after all, and ESPN & other pundits want their crimson-tinted candy and will manipulate anything to get it. East (above) said 'the BCS system isn't fair.' Well, are there any other conferences in CFB? Hello? Is there only an SEC East & SEC West? Oh, but wait!--LSU won the SEC West too.

    Fair won't happen. If it did, and if they wanted to crown the best team in America today, then FedEx would be shipping the Crystal to Baton Rouge as I write.


    EDIT: As I reviewed the post, I saw that the top line stated that 'Bama proved it had deserved a shot at LSU. It did! It got it! They lost! Bang! Dead! Over!

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