Mallet would have gone higher had he not murdered babies in their cribs and drank their blood.... I mean had he not been a pothead...same thing...
LOL ... did you ever hear that guy speak?? Being in AR, I had not choice but to endure his interviews .... don't know if it was the pot, or just being an idiot, but his first impression was not one of "Intelligence". But .. hey .. he did get drafted! SOOO .. there is hope for tall, awkward, stupid guys who can throw a ball.
The south is full of white dudes who think they are from the hood and act like it, and talk like a rapper from Houston. Here you go....
Nah ... I got neighbors to listen to if I want to listen to white dudes wanting sound like rappers. .. .heck .. I got Mallet Interviews for that!!
I have a former student who's trying to channel his inner Eminem, but I should say Vanilla Ice because he was from Carrollton, I believe. Not exactly 8 Mile territory.
I think you raise a good point. I was wondering about that knee with the huge brace on it. He was limping pretty badly towards the end of the Florida game. It could be affecting his ability to step into the throw, and messing up his mechanics...
Izzy says his leg's ok. I asked ZM's dad mid-week how the shin bruise was and he said it fine. I still think there was a physical problem; those first half misses were bizarre. We're talking about the same ZM who went into Sanford stadium and played lights out. What's between his ears is his second greatest asset, just behind his arm strength.