If NFL locks out does pp7 stay his senior year? Does cam stay at au? Do you think the possibility of a lockout causes players to reconsider staying for their senior season?
I've often asked myself that same question. I wish I understood the NFL policies on the lock-out. I feel pretty sure that just like any strike, if your not working your not earning wages. So, I guess it's possible that Juniors leaving would consider another year. Especially if there's great opportunity to be highly successful! :crystal:
there is no way a lockout happens- just like there is no way the govmnt would allow an airline strike at delta or united. i think he still needs refinement-- is he good yeah, is he great, not all the time, can he get better- of course.
Even if a lockout happens, the final decision won't be until the last minute which will be after the draft.
No, No you lost your place - this is not the Cam Newton thread. :rofl::rofl: Just kidding Birdtigers, gotta stay loose for the big game.
The theory is that players will not be deterred by the impending lockout, and if anything, the rookie contract scale that is on the bargaining table will actually encourage more players to early declare than usual. Even though they might not have games next year, they would still get their contracts on the books before the proposed rookie salary restrictions go into place. I have no idea what Patrick's thoughts are on the matter, but it stands to reason that his stock and potential earnings are as high as they'll ever be.
You realize that it has happened multiple times in the past why wouldn't hit happen again? You might want to real you history before making statements like the the NFL will never strike or lockout. NFL Strike History: Pt I- Setting the Stage for 1982 - Bucs Nation Strike Recap- 1987; The Replacements - Bucs Nation
True, but a) there wasn't as much money at stake then, as now. Granted, it was still a lot, but not the multi billions that there are now and B) it took them a long time to recover. Given those 2 reasons, I don't think they want to repeat history.