I wouldn't be surprised. He has no future in the NFL, and he could in pro track, so I would head that direction. He'll always have a national championship ring from LSU Football !
not that he would ever truly come out and say "Man, our linebackers suck" anyway... He will always put a positive spin on everything, because he has to, or else the outcry on places like this one would be insane.
Toliver has apparently not done enough to make himself a solid #3. He's running with the 4th group of WR's. He's added weight, which many fans (including myself) thought would hold him back, but that seems to be a much smaller issue compared to him learning the routes, which he hasn't done. Hopefully he puts the work in & gets it down before the season.
I tried to explain this to people who wanted him in the game this past year. I don't know if it's a lack of effort, or if the dude is just dirt-dumb, but he doesn't know pretty much any of the plays. Last year when they'd get him in, the coaches would tell him, "Okay, Terrance, run a fly," or "okay Terrance, run a hook," etc... Normally you just tell a kid the name of the play and they already know what they're doing and don't need to be spoon fed. That's why if you notice he rarely stayed in longer than 1 play at a time, even during blow outs, because he had to be spoon-fed.
Do you think this contrubuted to some to the illegal formations/not enough players on the line of scrimage penalties?