Before the night is over we're all probably going to be sick of hearing about Tim Tebow. I know I am already!
A few months ago and not long after Florida won the NC, a Jacksonville radio sports commentator was fired after he made a comment about hearing too much of Tebow. GO TIGERS!!
I am not a Jacksonville radio sports commentator....I am sick of hearing the Tebow updates on all the games on TV today.......:geaux:
Yep, all day, well at least it is over :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige Now there won't be no excuses :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige
This is only getting started folks, it doesn't matter if Florida wins or loses this game. All we will hear about is Tim Tivo. If Florida wins, Tivo is amazing. If Florida loses, Its because Tivo got hurt, what a shame that he couldn't be healthy for this game!