I fell for it hard enough to send her the same PM I sent you to get her address to send her the same thing I was about to end you! Yep I am gullible!
I had three different 8th grade boys tell me I was hot (or some derivitive, thereof.) Right...I'm older than most of their mothers. My mouse was rendered useless by a post-it covering the sensor. I thought it was merely unplugged. My projector remote ($400 item) was placed in a box of books. And my favorite...my 3rd period honors class changed a message on my dry erase board from "must have clever titles" to "must have clever titties."
These are multimedia projectors that project tv, videos/dvds, or anything on my computer screen onto a huge screen in my classroom. The projectors are attached to the ceiling, and the bulb is supposed to run something like $150 to replace--or something stupid like that. I went to turn on my agenda power point slide, and poof, the remote was gone.
I'm just glad it wasn't just me! It was a believable statement. Good one. Shhh. She hasn't told anyone yet. :thumb:
What do projectors normally do? j/k The bulbs for the projectors in our building cost $450 each. It's kind of like the printer\ink cartridge rip off.
:shock::shock: Co-workers told one of my partners that a car backed into his truck. He went out and searched for the damage, and he found a scratch he didn't know he had. And it was an April fool joke.
Jim Hawthorne said LSU's baseball team lost to both USL and Tulane in a 4 week span. Oh wait, that wasn't a joke :cuss:
god i hate those things... but mainly because my professors usually try to use them just because they're there. i honestly rather old school teaching with a damn chalkboard and books. all of those fancy things are a waste, IMO, when students don't (or won't, or don't care to) learn chit anyway. seriously though, i had one professor who would fiddle with the damn thing for about 15-20 minutes just about every class period. when the students became PO'd and told him just to teach the "old fashioned way," he replied that he couldn't because all of his notes were in powerpoint format. i'm sure that these things have their place in certain situations though.