Can you even read? I never wrote nor implied otherwise. I am absolutely certain that many Confederates fought simply because they didn't want Northerners telling them what to do in their own states. But their own perceptions didn't and don't mean that their cause was correct, and their own perceptions didn't and don't justify their treasonous war any more than secession by some pissed-off state would today. And it doesn't change the fact that the Lee statue was erected because some New Orleanians were still pissed off that they had been smacked down, that they still felt their cause had been correct, and that they still felt slavery as an institution had been moral. No government of today should be obligated to perpetuate the memorialization of that treason and immorality, and the city is taking the correct measures to remedy such. I'm correct. You're not. I'm almost always correct and make better sense and arguments than you can. Get used to it.
Did Georgetown University rebel against our country to continue the slave trade? Did Georgetown in 1884 erect a statue from a sense of pride in that act? Your arguments are spurious.
Here's what the Picayune said at the time: "We cannot ignore the fact that the secession has been stigmatized as treason and that the purest and bravest men in the South have been denounced as guilty of shameful crime. By every appliance of literature and art, we must show to all coming ages that with us, at least, there dwells no sense of guilt." By that statement the true reason for erecting the statue is obvious... it wasn't primarily to honor a great man (and I disagree that he was great, anyway... but that's beside the point)... it was to say "f*ck you, we don't accept that we were wrong" to the rest of the country. The city of New Orleans is now doing the proper thing by not allowing that statement to stand.
He was a traitor. Go start a new country full of traitors and stand it there. Or just move the stupid thing to a museum full of relics.
You mean like this one? Washington was a traitor, Adams a traitor. Jefferson a traitor. I could go on.
Again you make no sense. Treason in and of itself is not evil. A traitor against a bad cause is a patriot for a good cause. Sadly, that doesn't apply to Lee, who was a traitor against a good cause (the USA) and a soldier for a bad one.