I have my own cookies, thank you. If you had strawberry cake then I would suggest you take cover. :wave:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Welcome to the board. <--- Has no cookies. Now, boiled crawfish is a different story.
Welcome fanatic60! Always good to have another Tiger fan on board! Your silence reminds me of the kid that never spoke. His mom took him to all kinds of doctors and they never found anything wrong. One day, when the kid was 5, his mom burned his toast for breakfast. Man, the kid starts cussing, GD, why'd you burn my %$!!<* TOAST!!! His mom looked at him in shock, so happy he had finally spoken. She asked him why he'd waited so long, and the kid replied, "Heck, up until now, Everythings been JUST FINE!!!!" :lol: