There is a posters here that is Eds cousin. He tailgates with us so his handle has Team KATT at the end of it!
I seem to recall everyone wanting to sh!tcan Pelini during his 1st season here. Why don't we let the season play out?
that's true but mostly because of the 1st two games vs ASU and tenn where the tigers allowed 30.5 a game. bo wised up to sec play and the team improved. personally i think he was saving legs with the katrina thing, but whatever the reason, his defense actually got better until 07.
Pelini did a terrible job the first few game but the players still had good technique and made plays. The problem was our DB's were lined up 12 yards off the of receiver. He made adjustments and turned things around. Can our current DC's? We'll see...
If it was as simple as CBs playing way too soft, I would have hope. But's it much more dysfunctional than that.
I think Tubby showed us that changing coordinators in mid season is not a good thing. I'm not denying problems with the defense. I'd just make necessary changes after the season is over.
I agree. There are too many practical problems with making such a signifciant change mid-season. Plus, once the regular season is over with, more quality options will be available. Now, CLM will need to be proactive in making contact in advance, if he does indeed want to bring in a new DC, but I do not believe he will make any major addition midseason. I hope what others say about his loyalty to Mallory does not interfere with an objective assessment of the def. performance this year and need to have a single, new DC. Its understandable to maintain his loyalty and keep him as an asst. DC. It is true Pelini struggled some in the beginning, but improvement was noted by midseason. I still maintain offensive playcalling has not focused on our strengths at pivotal moments, and has led to strains on the defense, too.
Nobody is calling for the change to be implemented now. We are just ahead of the curve in knowing something will have to be done at season's end.