It's nice to have opinions. It's even nicer to have something intelligent to give some sort of factual basis for that opinion. I realize that not everyone places that kind of value on an opinion like I do. Some folks like to just go with their gut. You don't have to, though. It's strictly optional. It's irrational, but optional...
The most disturbing part of this exchange is that you will probably be using same logic to elect our political representation in a few days...
I'll be voting for the lesser of two evils in almost every race. Hopefully we will have a better selection when it comes to DC's if we happen to need one soon. Who else is available for DC that hasn't been mentioned yet? Any young up and comers?
GOD, I'll be so happy when elections are in our rear-view. I'm SO tired of politics. They even find a way to pollute an innocent conversation of college football.
Well, it looks like McCain will have a tough time getting in the White House... but with his military experience, he'd possibly make a decent candidate for defensive coordinator. :hihi:
Wow, how about Texas Tech's DC, shutting Texas down. His players don't look dazed and confused and his DB's cover.
Sounds like a candidate. Two pet peeves I've had with this current defense: the lost confused look and lack of coverage.