Kate Beckinsale and other women have a few things to say...... pretty funny stuff.
we should definitely have more threads about kate beckinsales vagina. I'm sure we can all agree on that. That transcends politics.
I'm all for her vagina too. She is tops on my marriage cheat list. But, her English vagina doesn't need to wet itself in the politics of American vagina's. Her Redcoat vagina could be a spokesvagina for other very important issues, like XXX porn.
It just seems to bring people together doesn't it? The power of the vagina is amazing. Ok, this just needs to be a vagina thread. Only the vagina, or the promise of 70 plus in the afterlife could get a man to put a bomb in his underwear.
your republican friends that are pro life (i am not one of them) are not about invading women's vaginas. this is the kind of stupid nonsense that makes party politics so mindless. some people believe that human life is sacred. and they believe life begins at conception. i dont agree but they have a damn solid argument. there is not a single thing wrong with their argument. they dont want to control womens bodies, they want to save lives. the ad mocks the idea that the government doesnt provide all sorts of health care and counseling and birth control for women. how bout you bitches just stop being so stupid and slutty and learn aome simple biology, then you will not have unwanted kids. cant you liberal sluts manage one goddamn thing on your own? "i could have the government provide access to affordable birth control" - liberal woman mocking republicans. bitch, buy your own condoms.