Ruin? Lol. Snowflake. This thread has been all over the place including tits, discussing another female poster's tits, a side boob and arm that look like a pussy, humor, solid banter, and somehow a few shirtless dudes and SEALs "ruins" it? I had no idea some of y'all were so fragile.
uscvball, post: 1706798, member: 9788 ]Strange....I don't understand why more of y'all aren't gay. Freedom of speech is important regardless the voice. Unless it's taints.
I still don't understand what gay guys or women see in men,.. I'd rather sleep with Nancy Pelosi's mom
Gonna have to step your game up @GiantDuckFan as it seems we now have tirk wanting to look at shirtless dudes oh, and seals, let's not forget them. The force is strong with these two. I'd say go full frontal but they would have a wiener posted before I could hit post. Fuck both of em