Why are you pissing on this parade I've enjoyed watching? Party involving players on the track team. The police were called with a noise complaint. One of Tony's friends was cuffed, Tony got upset and kept mouthing off at the police until he was arrested.
Do you think I'd just make it up? There's an official release from TPD that would be an easy find if...
Witnesses say police the aggressors in melee that led to Alabama football player's arrest http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2014/01/witnesses_say_police_the_aggre.html
I don't know. I don't find myself in situations like that. You're trying to make this a bigger deal than it is and I really hope you continue. It's entertaining. You've got a hard on when it comes to things revolving around Bama so let me point you in a direction here. Notice in my earlier post I mentioned a release by the police department? When that came out I wondered why it wasn't an arrest report. Here's a link for you to read. Multiple witnesses are stating that the release is fabricated and inaccurate. There are two sides to this story and both sides are probably telling a portion of the truth.
So we're supposed to believe that this guy was walking away from a situation as he was told by the police, doing everything he was supposed to do, and the officer pepper sprayed him anyway? He got arrested. Not a huge deal but there should be some internal punishment. No matter what people say, it's not hard to not get arrested.
It's not out of the realm of possibility that this is exactly the case. Not according to this article, anyway. http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2014/01/witnesses_say_police_the_aggre.html