These were just taken apparently the other day...
I don't like the steel skeleton look either, the old Alex Box was elegant. But that is apparently how it is going to be.
I'm going to reserve final judgment until it's complete, but I like it. Although, I'm not sure it's the mega upgrade I would hope for for leaving the old Alex Box. I certainly would have liked to seen more seating. Not sure if they have plans to expand as demand requires, but I'd to see that if we drew the crowd, the stadium would be able to hold up to 12,000+.
They better knock crank up the first wrecking ball at the Old Box until we have played a game at the New Box. The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. Construction projects are no where close.
Are there going to be seating behind the outfield because I know its not complete but to me was it really worth leaving the Old Alex Box. All it seems like they beautified the entrance and updated the seats.