Just let him know that the fans ain't happy and that LSU could make more money on concessions if the lines were shorter and the menu was broader.
I think the right field bleachers are parallel to the scoreboard. If you are in front it is probably like sitting on the front row at the movie theater. That is the complaint. I'm just passing on what I read in the newspaper. I've haven't been to a game yet.
Not really a complaint but I wish we would've had a place to go when the rain started pouring. The covered areas weren't sufficient to hold everybody.
I've sat all around the stadium. Right field is just as good as the grandstand as far as seeing the scoreboad. The only place you really can't see the scoreboard is behind the left field fence in the corner (left field lunatics). Even right in front of it, you can turn around and see just about everything alright.
Okay, so I went Wednesday night, and I have a complaint. I parked across Nicholson from the stadium and had to walk through weeds, ant beds, a railroad track, and three ditches (one of which was deep and full of water) to get to the stadium. There should, at the very least, be a bridge of some sort built over that deep ditch just beyond the railroad track. Jeez... It was even more fun trying to retrace my steps on the way back in the dark.
Hey Stacey. I was there Wed and saw people trying to traverse that ditch. One of them may have been you. They do need a little footbridge. To go around is a block out of the way and then a block back. It was my first time to the new Box. Nice stadium.
I've crossed that canal myself. I also think they should build a pedestrian bridge over Nicholson like the one over Highland at Blue Bayou/Dixie Landin'
Why? Were you one of the guys sitting by the railroad tracks, drinking beer? I just knew they were waiting for people to bust their @$$es crossing the ditch, so they could laugh at the poor schmoes. The good thing was that, after I crossed the ditch, two guys were walking near me, and when I asked where the box office was, one of them gave me his extra ticket. Gotta love Louisiana hospitality!