well you can try this thing called port forwarding. sometimes the ports that are used by torrent trackers are closed off by windows or your router for "security." (really it's just to stop pirating) you can research that and try it, but i don't know how to do it since i'm on a mac. all i know is my friend tried it and said it helped immensely. another thing to try is to just restart your torrent program. a lot of the times mine will go slow and a simple restart helps.
i just downloaded the 1.09 GB version in 20 min. there are 80 seeders right now. i've also already ordered my official game dvd and pre-ordered the Heart of Geauxld dvd. can't wait!
http://www.direct2drive.com/zones/foxsports?cmp=fscb i got mine off direct2drive for 2.99 pretty quick download took about 1 hour 20minutes for almost 3 gb good quality just have not been able to get it on a dvd that will play in my DVD player on can watch it on my PC right now. the torrent site is good, i was registered with them forgot my sign on info so i tried to reregister but they never send me an email to get it set up, still waiting on that but it is all good i'm going to order that dvd anyway.
k, I downloaded the whole 4.3 gig version...I have VLC and it is updated but the video barely even plays and it's not watchable, it freezes, fades into frames ahead of it, it's terrible...anyone got any suggestions on how to fix this?
Glad to know I'm not the only one. I've downloaded LSU games from the site before with no problems but this one is simply unwatchable.:bncry: :bncry: :bncry: :bncry:
http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ this 1 should work also http://www.avsmedia.com/DVDPlayer/index.aspx ok i just checked.....the avs media player works good too dont try windows player unless u have all the codecs needed. i think i have them all and i cant view it. just go avs or quicktime. both are good players