Bring out the evidence. You can have 11 people say they were paid or they know this person was paid, but it won't matter unless you can document it. Accounts, transactions, whatever. I think by now if there was concrete actionable evidence we'd have heard it leaked for a splash story. Could be wrong though. I think we all know every basketball program pays, too. Let's not be naive. It's just business as usual. Wade was just sloppy.
More like every P6 coach period and a few of the anomaly mid major guys as well One of Shaka Smart's VCU players drove a late model Lexus. Stipend sure didnt buy that...
I especually like the parts about how the call records were on pdf instead of a preferred/requested spreadsheet as if that was some nefarious attempt to hide something. #fknmorons
Did you know it is legal to marry your 1st cousin in Alabama. The law states that common law marriage is one where two persons has mental capacity to enter into a marriage. Although, I wonder that with all the close relation incest, how low does the IQ go and do they "really" have the mental capacity?