I answered no for everything, I didn't know how it worked and that they put acceptable things in. I think I would've gotten the sorority picture thing wrong no matter what. I knew the lawyer and Nike stuff was bad though.
I must pass around rep. Hah. I wasn't even thinking like that, and it makes the response even funnier. I'm patting myself on the back now.
Some of you are passing up chances for free shyt? Y'all definitely aren't ohio state material. :hihi:
I got none wrong. What they didn't know is most of my free perks come from my dealer, along with the synthetic urine I use to pass all drug screens. I think that makes me an official Iowa Hawkeye.
I got all the free stuff I could take and only did one wrong thing (took a ride from coach). Minor Violation that I'm sure they wouldn't suspend me for. Especially because I'm the third string punter.