looks like Emmert sees the future. Gotta have a much wider array of competitive teams if you want a playoff system that will generate the kind of ratings that the Final Four does. "Reallocation of resources" ..... translation = "hey you in the SEC, .... we're going to spread the talent around a wider geography because we need the product to appeal to more households" I'm also interested to find out if the Proposal to impose the limit earlier in the calendar year (moving it from August up to March) will be accepted. That will dramatically cut down on oversigning and the kinds of dirty tactics that give the product a black eye. Also hope to see the scholly terms go from single-year to a combination of 2-year and four-year agreements. NCAA Could Reduce FBS Scholarships to 80 | College Football News, Opinion and Analysis | Chuck Oliver.Net
I'm a bit skeptical of multi-year schollies, and I wonder how they would even work. If a player gets a 2-yr scholarship at the end of his sophomore year, what happens if he declares the folowing year? Also, if you lock a player into a guaranteed 2-yr or 4-yr schollie, who isn't an obvious NFL prospect, what incentive does he have to not pull a Chris Garrett and slack off while he gets a free ride?
This is nothing more than penalizing the have's for the have-nots. Before we know it, congress will be heading college football.
Finally, Socialism spreads to the football world. Next thing you know it will be like little league... No champion, everyone gets a trophy.
The Obomanable plan has been scrapped, football scholarships will stay at 85. Per twitter: @BryanDFischer NCAA Board of Directors voted against cutting football scholarships @InsidetheNCAA Emmert: DI BOD voted against ban on foreign travel, scholarship reductions
I don't think scholarships should be pulled except in rare cases. The coaches should be more careful recruiting and it would/should eliminate the need for canning kids. Apparently the NCAA feels the kids need some protection too. On what would happen if a kid was given a 2 year but left after his Jr. I'd think his scholarship would be freed up just as they are today if/when scholarship kids leave for whatever reason.
I don't know about you, but every scholarship or graduate assistance I ever got at LSU was contingent on maintaining a certain GPA and meeting other requirements, and those were always reviewed on a yearly, or even semester, basis. If I didn't meet the guidelines, my money got cut, plain and simple. That's not to say coaches should pull schollies on a whim, but to take away their ability to exercise their judgment by locking kids into a scholarship is even worse. Unless there was some kind of performance metric built in to a multi-year scholarship, it would be widely abused, no matter how "careful" you are in recruiting. The minute you attach an unconditional guarantee, you remove the incentive to perform. That's not so much the case for players who want to make it to the NFL, since they have a huge financial incentive in that case. I'm thinking guys who spend their college careers as backups and wouldn't see a reason to bust their hump since their free ride is guaranteed.