I stay low key here, just do FREE work helping, you do nothing but drag this place down and think you're special while doing so
I don't need to pick anything up, I will continue posting as I have. Calling people out doesn't make this board a better place. Many people come and go but I'm totally fine with the people here now. The others are just a forgotten memory. It's an Internet message board, jeez...if people are getting so sensitive that they have to start their own board or care so much about what anonymous strangers say then idk what to say. I come here to talk LSU and if I'm so involved that I get hurt by what anonymous people say, that says more about how I need to go outside and get a real life than anything.
exactly. people come here to talk sports, nobody wants to see personal chit chat between Bob and Jane and their little cliche that derails every sports thread yacking about their babies, dip habit, who they like or don't like....focus on talking sports only in the sports threads. you want to do your yacking about your babies, dip habit, who you like and don't like, then do it elsewhere ...roundtable, personal messages, facebook, email, text, phone calls....but not in the sports threads, which is rude as F. the people reading the sports threads want to read sports discussion, not Bob and Jane and friends kindergarten social hour
Wholy elephant walk. Just grab each others trunk and go dancing by the moonlight. So sensitive. Ha Ha!
elephant walk is a good way to put it. sports forum, sports thread, then here come Bob and Jane and friends doing their best elephant walk to derail the thread and make it crap. it's like they hate this place and act rude as F to bring it down and keep people bailing for the forums that don't have a Bob and Jane trashing every good sports thread with their elephant walk that nobody wants to see
I'd expect more maturity from a message board legend such as yourself. Look, man. The problem is simple. You overstate your value to the forum, and clearly overstate the forum's importance in your own life. We've had many personalities come and go, but most of the ones who went are not missed. We've got a good group here with just enough opinions, points of view, insider info, allegiances, knowledge, etc. that we don't need thousands of members, and most of us prefer it that way. We have healthy discussions often with plenty of humor, and welcome outsiders so long as they remain respectful and sane. So please, spare us your bullshit accusing any stalwart of being a detriment because we all contribute towards making it what it is, and this includes yourself. You could just use a dose of self-awareness every now and then to perhaps understand when enough is enough.
I do everything I can to not overstate my value to the team. Always been that way. Then a crappy member of the team like you gets butthurt I work so hard without looking for credit, of course i am not impressed with your attitude