You are a TOOL. Most Buckeye fans here are gracious, and humble. They are cheering for their team but not making excuses as to whom is better because they did some kind of college football algebra. Just say hey good luck, I believe in my team, we will win. Don't be a typical Homer and start complaining about media bias, the SEC dealt with it for 50 years. Everything will be settled on 20080107.:geauxtige :crystal: :milesmic:
So you don't agree there is some media bias? I'm saying I would put PSU, Wisc., and scUM up against any 8-4 team in the SEC and I would expect it to be one hell of a game. I've tried to be open minded and respectful and provide stats to back up my argument but all you can come back with is name calling. That is pretty childish. You don't think any Big 10 teams would be able to give you a good game like Auburn?
I agree. If LSU's team walks into the NC game not realizing that Ohio State is just as talented of a team as LSU, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee, then they do stand the risk of getting smashed, like what happened to the Buckeyes last year. I agree that the main reason Ohio State got smashed last year was because they overlooked the Gators (I mean last year, they were hyping the Big 10 so much that a lot of the talking heads were pushing a Ohio State v. Michigan rematch for the NC). I agree that VT is nowhere as good as Ohio State, Florida, Georgia, or Tennessee. This year, VT is on the level of Auburn, Alabama, Arkansas, and South Carolina. And I agree that the only reason we beat VT so badly was because they were emotionally drained at the beginning of the season (VT school massacre). Good post.
Lets just say LSU is widely considered to be the better of the two teams this year so we won't be making that mistake again. Even I agree that if LSU played its absolute best game of the year and we played ours we would probably lose but our guys will be playing with alot of heart this year seeing as how we got trounced last year(what a nightmare). Michigan and OSU were better teams than they showed last year but we both got or butts handed to us right and proper. Wisky was overated on account of they didn't have to play OSU or UM. UF had a right to come into that game with a chip on their shoulder and they showed what it took to be a NC team. I only hope that our team will show the same intensity that UF brought to last years game.
Is anyone honestly capable of overlooking a team that made it this far? You were outplayed last year. Just outplayed. You were prepared. You don't look at the NC and just be like eh, they're mediocre.. we'll take this week off guys.
huh? Virginia Tech is one of those teams playing their best ball right now. I wouldn't want to face them again. Do I think we would beat them? yes, but it would be a dogfight. Glennon is so much better right now than when we played them. That was their problem, the offense could not get going. VT would beat Ohio State and Tennessee. Other than maybe USC, VT was playing the best defense out of anyone in the nation.
LOL:hihi::rofl: I love it. But seriously, teams really do let their reputation go to their heads. There is a lot of psychology in college football. You're talking about 18 to 22 year old kids. As for Ohio State's ego last year, remember this: