It would be nice to get another big time guard to go along with Black. Anyone heard anything about Michael Oher? If we are out of the running for Youngblood then it would be nice to pick him up. If we could get Myers, Black, Scott, Oher, and possibly McNeil to all sign on the offensive line then that would be awesome.
Myers, Black, McNeil, and Scott is a good possibility. Oher is from Tenn. right? I think I remember reading he was leaning Tennessee, dont exactly recall though.
McNeil is looking good for us from what I've read. This kid would be a good one but Saban hasn't had much luck with the Georgia boys we've went after. Pokey does a great job with the Georgia girls, maybe we should put her on Scott!! :rofl:
This kid is a 2 to 3-yr. project ... strength and footspeed You gotta like his "lot louder" Death Valley comment ... one for sharing in the the talk rooms Would rather have a quicker and stronger Youngblood (Texas). This kid is not #1, but has been offered for a reason (OT needs). LSU needs an early impact player there.
Youngblood is a real longshot IMO. We have Myers as an early impact player. Youngblood's supposed to come in on an official Dec. 3rd. I would be really happy if got McNeil & Scott. :thumb:
We've had a hard time trying to get recruits out of Georgia but this guy evidentally likes us. Youngblood we were leading for for a long time but he has since changed his tune. Either one would be a good get, both would be great. Next weekend is going to be a huge recruiting weekend for LSU, huge. we should get all of the regualr tailgaters over there like it was a game weekend, only have signs for the recrutis instead of for our opponent.