McCain wants to be able to hold anyone. Including American citizens without due process forever if (the govt) deems them an enemy combatant. Can we get any more broad. Once again the Constitution is trampled. Rand Responds. [ame=]11-29-11 Rand Paul @ Freedom Watch - YouTube[/ame]
Its more of the same, the American people have been sold out by their politicians. I don't know why people are so blind and support either party or candidates. There is no reason to vote anymore. We are going to have 2 class types of people in this country. The rich and the powerful, politicians vs the nobodies. Don't think for a minute if you say something against your government or politician in the future, especially liberals that you may be called out for a hate crime or charged with terrorism. Some may want to argue but it is what it is. If someone in power wants to charge you with something they can and you no longer have due process. Reminds me of airports and the harassment there. We are becoming more like the USSR everyday! Edited to fix a sentence!
I actually like the ACLU....... at least 90% of the time. The rights of the individual must be protected from the majority, and they do a good job of bringing this to the forefront. Although sometimes, they do get a little crazy....
I agree with this. The ACLU is necessary, but you really only hear about them when it's a controversial issue, like NAMBLA. At least they're consistent, which is more than you can say about our politicians.
You compare the ACLU with NAMBLA??? When is anything that NAMBLA does not controversial, disgusting, and illegal?
No. I was referring to when they defended NAMBLA's right to free speech, much to the chagrin of, well, everyone but NAMBLA.
Any reason why we shouldn't be scared as hell? Hopefully this awakens the folks who actually believe the patriot act is used to fight terrorism.