NASCAR dropping the hammer!

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by qball316, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    Aug 25, 2004
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    For the party!!! Go and you will get it!!

    Which Toyotas do you think will be racing? I was on my way home from Miami last night when I heard about this on the radio they didn't go into great depth so I am trying to catch up. I didn't hear anything about Mayfield. He will be racing this weekend with his crew chief right? Also I heard that Ray E.', three crew chiefs got sent home also. Is this true?

    Don't get yourself worked up this is a debate neither side will ever win!! I don't care what you want to call it!! I enjoy watching and going to the races and if you want to call it a fast Merry Go be it!!! I LOVE to watch really fast Merry Go Rounds on Sundays and sometimes Saturdays!!!

    No red...goodness red for an opinion?:confused: Not from me!!! The soap opera part is exactly right!! But really if your wife was to come to you on a Sunday and say honey will you watch 3-4 hours of soap operas with me OR the Daytona 500? Which would you pick?

    Also the soap opera part has history also...this merry go round started when during the prohibition bootlegging liquor around the country. They were some serious red necks!! When they made it into the merry go round you were putting a bunch of red necks competeing against each other. They got mad at each other they didn't call thier lawyer and whine they walked right up to the person and hit 'em!!! Later they may be cool or they may become serious rivals just depends what happen. I will agree things have changed now but every once in awhile you will see one of the horses let a littel redneck shine through and forget to call his lawyer!!! That is the fun of it!!

    I also heard the took 100 driver points and 50 owner points from somebody. Who was that?

    YOU DONE WITH ARGUING!!! Call 911 Mac is sick and dying!!! Hang in there baby we won't leave you!!

    I was wondering when you were going to jump into this mess!!
  2. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I wouldn't give red to either of you for your opinion. BUT, I fail to see the need to bring yourself into a discussion about Nascar, when you don't care for Nascar racing. The thread title was very clear, and if you don't like Nascar, why would you bother to read, much less post a comment on this thread?
    As far as it being a sport, and the participants being athletes, fishing is a "sport", and I'm an athlete because of it. When you consider that these guys are driving 200 miles an hour with other cars bouncing off of theirs, and they do it for 3+ hours at a time, with in car temps reaching 140+ degrees, it's not comparable to many other "sports".
    2 people like this.
  3. BamaBengalTiger

    BamaBengalTiger Geaux Tigers !!!!!

    Nov 14, 2005
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    They did penalize MWR #55 team. Crew chief $100,000 fine. Driver and Owner loss of 100 points. Crew cheif and director of operations both suspended indef.

    It was reported that the crew chief has been fired. Toyota also issued a statement that two of the three strikes has been used up, and the next strike against any of its teams would result in the offending party losing Manufacture support.

    Rough start for Toyota to say the least. The duel 125's should be interesting today with so many teams vying for only 4 spots. Could be some very agressive driving, and probably some torn up race cars.
  4. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Yeah! I know and I am at work!!! Are you somewhere you can keep updated? If so will you post updates here for the poor little Orlando girl?
  5. BamaBengalTiger

    BamaBengalTiger Geaux Tigers !!!!!

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Actually I'm at work too, but am taking off at 1 to go home and watch it. To keep track of what is going on check out JAYSKI's. He usually post some close to real time updates.
  6. qball316

    qball316 Founding Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    #17 and #9 both crew chiefs suspended 4 weeks and fined $50,000, drivers and owners docked 50 points

    #10 and #19 both crew chiefs suspended 2 weeks and fined $25,000, drivers and owners docked 25 points

    #55 crew chief suspended indefinately and fined $100,000, driver and owner docked 100 points

    The penalty on Mickey I'm afraid he will never recover from. He's really only competitve on the two superspeedways. From what I hear, he's in hot water with Toyota also now. Sad part is this is all because of something his crew chief did.
  7. qball316

    qball316 Founding Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Goto raceview, its free for the Duels only. If you can do that at work.
  8. qball316

    qball316 Founding Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Waltrip was moving up the pack, then a caution, he stayed out to get the lead then crashed JR trying to squeeze between JR and Stewart. Waltrip looks to be driving his @$$ off. Guess he's determined to make good with Toyota.
  9. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    Aug 25, 2004
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    WOW!!! You are kidding me! Damn I wish I was watching!! Walktrip didn't get into Stewart though did he? Just Jr.
  10. qball316

    qball316 Founding Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    No just Jr. Thank god!

    Funny thing, they say "how do you set records for NASCAR penalties and cause even more controversy? Crash JR to take the lead."

    Since then, Robby Gordon and driver for the RedBull Camry got together and both are out. the redbull camry will not be in the big race. Robby Gordon is locked in. Smoke now has the lead.

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