Yes it is conflicting because I look at the team and then under championships and it says 1942 and 1980! I don't know. Anyway, trying to help out!
Texas should be higher. They are second only to tOSU in athletic revenue and facilities. That is a pretty important factor.
Like i said, you just proved bama is living off history. Having the resources to be top ten and being top ten are two different things. I guess you would put LSU in the 90's in your top ten. LSU certainly had the resources.:milesmic: PS: If support, good recuriting and tradition put you the top ten, then the South Coralina game cocks should #1.
Of course they are living off history, so are most teams. But I am not saying Alabama will be good because they were in 1979. I think they will be good because of facilities, money, and coaching...which comes from having a good history. Most people like to poke at Bama saying they think they will win because they have done it before. That is not my point. The benefits that came from those wins will help them in the future. You can disagree, but I bet you will be wrong. If you can support tradition with South Carolina I will never post here again. Care to take that bet?
Well, I think you do not read the thread about critreria. He said, not teams you think will be there, but teams that are there. If you give LSU the same thoughts as you give bama, LSU should be way down the list. OUR history is not top 10. Recent history we are in the top 3.
I think you forgot to read my post where I told him I used my own criteria. Mine was based on where they are now combined with where they will be in the next half decade. If you missed that then that could explain some things.
Using your criteria, Notre Dame should be up there in the top 5. Unless you choose to use it on some and ignore the criteria on others. Yes USCe has tradition. Unless you mean winning. If that is the only criteria for tradition then no they do not. Your criteria is very subjective and not used consistantly thru out your top ten.:miles: :geaux: :thumb:
I told you my criteria: How successful they are now and how they will be in the next half decade or so. How hard is that to figure out. The comments next to the teams did not follow my criteria, but simply gave very brief and not full information of why they were there. Basically a minor guiding point. Now, based on my criteria, Notre Dame would be nowhere on there, as they do not look promising in the future, or the recent past for that matter. You keep looking for minor details in my posts which shows me you cant find many facts to disagree. Of course disagreeing with opinions is hard to do anyways. Anyone can find pros and cons for every team, but this is what I came up with. You could make a list if you wanted to. Are you going to put South Carolina in there with their tradition? :hihi: