When your goals are high the disappointment can be great. But to define those disappointments by a problem perspective and negative language does not provide the impetus to continue building on your successes. That is the difference between winners and losers. There are a lot of winners on your team, embrace them and their journey. Nothing has ended unless you quit, even if you don't reach the ultimate objective, this time.
Wow! Onca again, an Aubie has stepped up and posted a more rational thought than some of our locals. You're a class act D.:thumb:
Great post! Who would have thought that the voice of reason was from......well, you know......ldskule:
The voice of reason is so much easier to come by from someone that is not so close to the situation. Well said D. More please
Okie and I say well said! We are sitting in a ton of traffic and doing our best to stay positive and that helped A LOT!!!