Definitely! Call it a laugh of joy, amusement, and nostalgia. I saw it a different way. I'm pretty sure he was blowing up at Julio for not getting off the field in time.
i'm not gonna lie, but like mobius, i loved when saban would tear into players. i'll always remember him tearing into travis daniels in the UGA game and then daniels making a good play later on and saban giving him some love. yes i miss it. and no it doesn't mean i don't like miles.
i never liked that, i did like the fire that will muschamp showed on the sideline. saban just always reminded me of myself when i was 8 and my nintendo froze up, and i would slam my controller down.
I thought about Muschamp too. The chest bumps he would do taht would sometimes knock players down. Awesome stuff.
One of the greatest things about that game, was knowing that Miles and his Tigers were getting into Sabans head. Not something done easily.
blow in the cartridge and in the nintendo, then you can also put the cartridge in about 99% of the way and smash it down. i know all the tricks, but when you are deep in the levels of contra, and it freezes, damn!
And if that didn't work, then stick another cartridge on top of the one that you wanna play. Coaches throwing tantrums are always fun. Coach Miles does not get like that in public anymore, I'm sure he does it in the locker room.
Ikaria Warriors, right as I'd get my heli and start kick azz man!!! FREEZE!@!#!@# [media][/media] What a great sidetrack of a thread.